Guest Speaker: Rev. David Fujimoto, Mililani Hongwanji Mission
M.C.: Merle Tashiro
About Rev. Fujimoto
Rev. David Fujimoto was born and grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii. He attended Hongwanji Mission School and graduated from Farrington High School and the University of Hawai’I at Manoa with a degree in Psychology. He completed his Master’s in Buddhist Studies at the Institute of Buddhist Studies.
Rev. Fujimoto received his Tokudo in 2007 and his Kiyoshi in 2010. He became a full-fledged minister when he received his Kaikyoshi ordination in 2011.
Rev. Fujimoto’s prior employment experience includes working as an educator and assistant athletic trainer at Farrington High School; serving as the assistant to the director of the Buddhist Study Center and as assistant chaplain at the Pacific Buddhist Academy.
He was an associate minister at the Honpa Hongwanji Hilo Betsuin and resident minister at Puna Hongwanji (on the Big Island) overseeing Pahala and Na’alehu Hongwanjis as well. He is currently the resident minister at Mililani Hongwanji Mission.
Rev. Fujimoto is married to Tian Nicole Spidell Fujjimoto.