This will be an in-person service at the temple.
Guest Speaker: Rev. Shindo Nishiyama
Reverend Shindo Nishiyama was born in Fukuoka, Japan. He graduated from Rukoku University in 1986 and registered Kaikyoshi in 1991. He then came to Hawaii to begin his career serving the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii.
During his tenure he was assigned and served the following temples: Hawaii Betsuin, Waimea Hongwanji, Windward Buddhist Temple, Hilo Betsuin and is currently the resident minister at Jikoen. Reverend Nishiyama also served as the Headquarters Secretary.
Reverend Nishiyama and his wife Suzie have two children, Shanna and Skyler.
In-Person Service Details
Attendance is limited to those 12 years and older who can verify their COVID vaccination status. Everyone will need to be masked and physically distanced if not from the same household.
Everyone attending is required to:
Present proof of their COVID vaccination status with a picture ID, and
Sign in on the COVID tracking sheet as they enter the temple.