General Membership Meeting & Lunch

The Annual General Membership Meeting was held on December 9, 2018, immediately following the Bodhi Day Service.

Kailua Hongwanji Mission Officers and Directors for 2019 were confirmed and installation of the officers by Rev. Sumikawa followed the meeting.

  • President: Prudence Kusano

  • Vice President: Bob Nishita

  • Secretary: Joyce Nishita

  • Treasurer: Gerald Matsuda

  • Auditor: Geraldine Ochikubo

  • Immediate Past President: Dennis Tashiro

  • Directors:

    • Jean Fukumoto

    • Keiji Kukino

    • Allen Kusano

    • Joy Nishida

    • Cynthia Rodriguez

    • Merle Tashiro

After the meeting, we enjoyed lunch at New Mui Kwai II in Kailua.