
Summer Picnic with Mo'ili'ili Hongwanji

Members of Moiliili Hongwanji Buddhist Temple and Windward Buddhist Temple gathered for a joint service and summer picnic on Sunday, August 4. Together the sanghas shared Nembutsu Moments playing ice breakers, doing some mental and physical exercises, and talking story over a delicious meal.

Mahalo to the teams from both temples who planned and organized today's joint picnic!

Opening Remarks

Warm-up Exercises With Radio Taiso

Ice BreakerS & Games

Delicious Bento Lunches

Visit to Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji

Mahalo to Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji Mission for welcoming us to visit their temple and to attend the Sunday Dharma Service today. Thank you Rev. Sawada and the Kaneohe Higashi sangha!

Look for more information about our joint Bon Dance at Windward Mall soon. It is scheduled for Saturday, October 1, 2022 from 4 to 8 pm. More details to follow.

Earth Day 2022: Kuulei Road Clean Up

Happy Earth Day! On Saturday, April 23, 2022, WBT members and families cleaned up Kuulei Road in Kailua, which is the street fronting the temple.

Windward Interfaith New Years 2020 Service

The first Windward Interfaith New Year Service was held on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 at Windward Buddhist Temple. "Realizing Oneness through Diversity," was presented by the Windward Interfaith Ohana: Unity Windward, Christ Church Uniting, the Jewish Faith Tradition, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Ko’olaupoko Baha’i Community, and Windward Buddhist Temple.

Offerings from the evening were donated to RYSE, a 24/7 access center supporting Hawaii's homeless youths. We also learned about the 2020 Census and its importance to the state of Hawaii.

Jyo-ya no Kane Kansho Ringing

After our last Sunday service for 2019, we rang the kansho (temple bell) to welcome the New Year 2020. Jyo-ya no Kane (除夜の鐘) is the Japanese tradition of ringing the temple bell 108 times on New Year's Eve.

Annual General Membership Meeting & Members' Lunch


Following our Bodhi Day Service, we held our Annual General Membership Meeting. The meeting minutes from last year’s meeting were reviewed and accepted. Treasurer Gerald Matsuda reviewed the Treasurer’s Report and President Prudence Kusano shared the President’s Report.

The Officers and Directors for 2020 were announced and confirmed by the board and membership.

President: Prudence Kusano

Immediate Past President: Dennis Tashiro

Vice-President: Cynthia Rodriguez

Secretary: Joyce Nishita

Treasurer: Gerald Matsuda

Auditor: Joy Nishida

Directors: Dana Arakaki, Jean Fukumoto, Keiji Kukino, Allen Kusano, Ryan Miyamoto, Jennifer Kane

Following the general membership meeting, the annual members’ lunch was held at Yen Yen restaurant in Kailua.


Kailua Peace Day Walk

In celebration of Peace Day, which will be observed this year on Saturday, September 21, members of Windward Buddhist Temple held a Peace Day walk around Kailua. Peace Day cranes, which were folded by members during this month’s First Sunday activity, were shared with businesses and individuals around Kailua to inform them about Peace Day and share a message of peace.

Bon Dance 2019: Building the Yagura


Mahalo to the friends, family, and members who came out to build the yagura in preparation for our Bon Dance on Saturday, July 13, 2019.

Bellows Japanese Cemetery Visit & Service

Photos by Dennis Tashiro

On June 10, 2019, 12 members and guests from Windward Buddhist Temple visited the Bellows Japanese Cemetery in Waimanalo. Located on the military base, it requires permission and an escort to visit. Rev. Sumikawa held a brief service and flowers were placed on the approximately 30 graves, many of which date back to the 1910s. We are hoping to make this into an annual Obon service and invite the family members of those buried at the site.