
Board of Directors & Officers for 2025 - 2026

Windward Buddhist Temple Board of Directors for 2025 - 2026

At the General Membership Meeting on December 15, 2024, the Windward Buddhist Temple Board of Directors and Officers for 2025 through 2026 were installed.

President: Dennis Tashiro

Vice-President: Cynthia Rodriguez

Secretary: Prudence Kusano

Treasurer: Gerald Matsuda

Auditor: Roy Miyamoto


  • Dana Arakaki

  • Ed Diehl

  • Keiji Kukino

  • Allen Kusano

  • Natasha Lopes

  • Ryan Miyamoto

  • Joy Nishida

  • Joyce Nishita

  • Neil Yamamoto


Mahalo to Allen Kusano, who will continue to be involved with WBT and lead the facilities committee. Welcome to new board members Ed Diehl and Natasha Lopes!

111th Legislative Assembly - Giseikai

The Legislative Assembly (Giseikai) is the annual meeting of ministers and leaders of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii. As a temple within the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, Windward Buddhist Temple’s minister and delegate vote on resolutions and other matters related to the operations of the Hongwanji in Hawaii.

This year’s meeting was held as a hybrid, both in-person and via Zoom. This was the first in-person Giseikai since February 2020. The 109th and 110th Giseikai were held exclusively via Zoom due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

WBT’s delegate, temple president Dennis Tashiro

New Year's Eve 2022 Bell Ringing (Joya-no-Kane)

We gathered on New Year's Eve for Joya-no-Kane at the temple. Joya-no-Kane is the customary ringing of the temple bell 108 times on New Year's Eve.

Why 108 times? It signifies the 108 worldly desires that we have and need to cleanse ourselves of as we enter the new year.

2023 - 2024 Board of Directors & Officers

At the General Membership Meeting on December 11, 2022, the Windward Buddhist Temple Board of Directors and Officers for 2023 through 2024 were confirmed.

President: Dennis Tashiro

Vice-President: Cynthia Rodriguez

Secretary: Joy Nishida

Treasurer: Gerald Matsuda

Auditor: Roy Miyamoto

Past President: Prudence Kusano


  • Dana Arakaki

  • Keiji Kukino

  • Allen Kusano

  • Ryan Miyamoto

  • Joyce Nishita

  • Neil Yamamoto


Mahalo to Prudence Kusano, who served consecutive terms as President from 2018 through 2022, helping see us through the pandemic. Prudence will continue on the Board as Past President.

Also mahalo to Shirley Yanagisawa, who decided not to continue as a Board member for another term. Finally, thank you to Joyce Nishita, who has served as Board secretary for over 20 years. She is continuing as a Director on the Board for the next term.

A Message from President Prudence Kusano

December 31, 2022 will be my last day as the President of Windward Buddhist Temple. It has been a challenging and rewarding five years.

I began my first term in 2018 as we welcomed many people to join us at the temple’s 50th anniversary service and luncheon. We had a new name: Windward Buddhist Temple. This gave the Sangha a boost of energy as we embarked on new activities at the temple and more people began to attend Sunday services. It was not unusual to have 50 people on Sundays enjoying the Dharma together.

Then came March 15, 2020, with the country and city closing any large gathering in its effort to contain the spread of COVID. As Buddhists, we braved the pandemic knowing that nothing is permanent—even the pandemic. If we keep a positive attitude and challenge ourselves to find ways to continue sharing the Dharma, time will pass and so will COVID.

We adopted the government guidelines to keep ourselves safe. Many of us learned new things such as using Zoom on the computer for WBT Board meetings and to participate in virtual Buddhist education sessions. We began to video tape weekly services and share them through YouTube. This allowed us to reach many members, former members, friends, and relatives who do not live in Hawaii as they accessed services from the safety of their homes. We reached people who are now active members of the temple, all because we continued our work to spread the Dharma, in any way we could.

Although my term as President would have ended in December 2020, I agreed to do another term to see WBT through the pandemic with hopes that by the end of 2022 the pandemic would end and WBT could return to “normal”. Although COVID is still evolving and challenging the drug companies to develop new drugs, our Sangha has been back to live services for almost a year which is as close to “normal” for now. (There are 40+ participants at Sunday services!)

I am grateful to my predecessors who kept this temple relevant for its members; to those who educated and supported me in learning about and growing into the role as President; to the dedicated Board and Committee members; and to the many volunteers who work together to make WBT a thriving, warm, welcoming place. To all the people who let me walk along with you on this Nembutsu path, thank you for making the past 5 years memorable ones.

— Prudence Kusano

Reopening Update #3

Effective Saturday, March 26, 2022, Windward Buddhist Temple will no longer require masks to be worn inside the temple. This is in alignment with the end of the State of Hawaii’s indoor mask mandate as of 11:59 pm on March 25, 2022.

  • Masks will be optional, and those who want to wear masks should continue to do so.

  • If you are not feeling well, please do not visit the temple.

As announced on March 3, we are no longer requiring proof of vaccination to enter the temple. However, as always, you are encouraged to consult with your doctor and if you are eligible to be vaccinated, please do so.

Reopening Update #2

Since Oahu is changing the guidelines of not requiring vaccination checks and distancing effective March 5, 2022, in consultation with Rev. Sumikawa, starting Sunday, March 6, WBT will only require wearing masks in the temple.

Effective Sunday, March 6, 2022 we will no longer be checking for proof of vaccination. Thank you to those of you who have volunteered to be "vaccine status checker" or "ushers" each Sunday.

I think this is good news and a step in a positive direction which will allow many who have been hesitant about attending live services to feel more comfortable about attending live services.

In gassho,

Prudence Kusano, President

An Update on Reopening (January 2022)

Dear Members and Friends,

Warmest wishes for a Happy New Year!

I am grateful that we have endured the many months of COVID restrictions with a positive attitude and knowledge that everything changes, even COVID will one day be controlled. Having the temple closed since March 2020 has been a challenge. The Board of Directors has continued to do its best to be in communication with members and friends and to share the Dharma through YouTube.

The effort to look for new ways to keep the Sangha together and to spread the Dharma, resulted in several positive outcomes. For example, despite the inconvenience and missing the Sangha fellowship, Windward Buddhist Temple’s online Sunday services have reached our friends and members as well as people outside of the Windward District and even people living on the mainland. Many of us learned to use Zoom and attended conferences and Dharma classes which we would not have been able to do prior to the pandemic. The Board learned how to conduct monthly Board meetings via Zoom.

In August we had a Bon Dance dinner sale that brought together members to safely prepare the dinner and to connect with people who came by to pick up their orders. The Fundraising Committee replaced the live fundraising events with an Online Store.

The temple has been able to weather this pandemic due to the support of the Board and the members who have generously contributed to the temple. I look forward to serve as President again this year with the goal of reopening the temple for regular services and fellowship.

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Peaceful New Year.

With Gratitude, Prudence Kusano

Temple Activities: Reopening

After closing the temple in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are carefully resuming temple activities in accordance with state and local guidelines.

Starting December 9, 2021, temple-sponsored activities such as tai chi, ikebana, and exercise class will be reopened to the general public. Class sizes and/or attendance limits apply and will be subject to instructor and space availability.

To participate in temple activities, you:

  • Must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19

  • Will need to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination (vaccination card or photo of vaccination card) and photo ID

  • Will need to sign-in at each visit to the temple and provide contact tracing information

  • Will need to wear a mask and practice social distancing inside the temple

See our Temple Activities page for more information. Schedules and space availability vary for each activity. Please contact the instructor prior to attending to confirm the schedule and whether they are accepting new participants.