Sunday Family Service

Today’s Dharma message was given by Rev. Bert Sumikawa.  His message was regarding Mother’s Day.

Rev. Sumikawa said there are a number of Sutras that express reverence towards one’s mother and about the mother-child relationships.  He drew memories of his own relationship with his mother.  While he was young, she seemed strict and would occasionally scold him.  But, she would do things that he would later realize she did those things because of her love for him.  

He recalled that he was participating in a 5th grade May Day program and he needed to wear a white shirt which he didn’t have.  He didn’t tell told his mother until the night before.  Although she scolded him for telling her so late, she bought material and supplies that night and he woke up the next morning and found a brand new shirt for him.  She reminded him again to not wait until the last minute to tell her he needed something.

After the service, we celebrated birthdays for the month of May.  Because there was no service last Sunday, we did the First Sunday Activities today – Mother’s Day flowers and yarn leis.