dharma talk

Family Dharma Service

Dr. Michael Jaffe and Rev. Barbara Brennan

Dharma Service for Sunday, July 30, 2023 with a Dharma Talk by lay speaker and WBT member Dr. Michael Jaffe, at Windward Buddhist Temple. The service was officiated by Rev. Brennan at Windward Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii. Mike's Dharma Talk is titled "The Dharma of Dopamine and Desire."

We will observe our annual Summer Break in August. There will be no Dharma Services during the month of August. Sunday Dharma Services at WBT will resume on Sunday, September 3, 2023.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:12 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    02:52 - Meditation

    03:42 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    05:52 - Sutra: Sanbutsuge (page 47 in the red service book)

    14:29 - Recitation: The Creed (Ryogemon)

    16:02 - Gatha: Golden Chain

    18:13 - Dharma Talk: Dr. Michael Jaffe

    40:29 - Gatha: Becoming Free (page 18 in Praises of the Buddha)

    43:09 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    45:19 - Announcements

    54:01 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    55:06 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"): https://tinyurl.com/GetServiceBook

Remembrance Day Service

Rev. Barbara Brennan

Remembrance Day Dharma Service for Sunday, July 23, 2023 with a Dharma Talk by Rev. Barbara Brennan, at Windward Buddhist Temple. The service was officiated by Rev. Brennan at Windward Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii. Rev. Brennan's Dharma Talk is titled "A Time For Reflection" and she shares the Japanese art of self-reflection called Naikan.

She asks everyone to reflect on three questions:

  1. What have I received from _____?

  2. What have I given to _______?

  3. What troubles and difficulties have I caused __________?

Remembrance Day is a time to honor family, friends, and even pets who passed away during the month of July, regardless of the year. This Jodo Shinshu Buddhist church service was recorded at Windward Buddhist Temple, a Shin Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii.

After the service, Yi-hsin demonstrated Chinese calligraphy using a brush and ink

After next week's service (July 30, 2023), we will observe our annual Summer Break in August. Sunday Dharma Services at WBT will resume on Sunday, September 3, 2023.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:22 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    03:01 - Meditation

    03:51 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:11 - San Bu Jo (page 9 in the red service book)

    10:42 - Remembrance Day - July

    14:36 - Sutra: Gassho With Amida

    21:59 - Recitation: Shinshu Pledge II (page 6 in the red service book)

    23:14 - Gatha: Arigatai

    26:02 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Barbara Brennan

    39:00 - Gatha: Hotokesama II (page 74 in Praises of the Buddha)

    41:09 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    43:27 - Announcements

    47:39 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    49:06 - July Schedule

    49:19 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"): https://tinyurl.com/GetServiceBook

Caligraphy Demonstration

Family Dharma Service

Rev. Barbara Brennan

Intergenerational Dharma Service for Sunday, July 16, 2023 with a Dharma Talk by Rev. Barbara Brennan, at Windward Buddhist Temple. The service was officiated by Rev. Brennan at Windward Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii. 

The first Sunday of the month features an intergenerational Dharma Talk for kids and adults. Rev. Brennan shared the book "Peaceful Piggy Meditation" by Kerry Lee MacLean. 

Dennis also shared a photo slideshow of last week's Bon Dance.

If you'd like to order copy of the book "Peaceful Piggy Meditation," it can be found on Amazon.com here.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:36 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    03:43 - Meditation

    04:37 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:48 - Sutra: Twelve Homages (page 120 in the red service book)

    14:42 - Recitation: Homages (page 2 in the red service book)

    16:23 - Gatha: With These Hands (page 174 in Praises of the Buddha)

    18:41 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Barbara Brennan

    31:34 - Gatha: On This Morn (page 119 in Praises of the Buddha)

    33:38 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    35:58 - Announcements

    37:18 - Bon Dance Slideshow

    42:55 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    43:48 - July Schedule

    44:01 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"): https://tinyurl.com/GetServiceBook

Playing Bingo

Obon & Hatsubon Service

Rev. Bert Sumikawa

Our annual Obon & Hastubon Service held on Sunday, July 2, 2023 with a Dharma Talk by Rev. Bert Sumikawa, at Windward Buddhist Temple. Obon is a time when Buddhists remember those who have left this world before us, with gratitude for enabling us to exist and to encounter the dharma. It was also our Hatsubon Service, for families of those who passed away since the last Obon. 

The service was officiated by Rev. Sumikawa at Windward Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii. 

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:16 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    02:53 - Meditation

    03:56 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:05 - San Bu Jo (page 9 in the red service book)

    10:14 - Offertory by Families for Hatsubon & Obon

    16:47 - Gatha: Obon Obon It's Festival Day (page 115 in Praises of the Buddha)

    19:27 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Bert Sumikawa

    41:43 - Gatha: Ondokusan/Gratefulness

    44:13 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    46:29 - Announcements

    55:19 - July Birthdays

    57:16 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    58:07 - July Schedule

    58:20 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"): https://tinyurl.com/GetServiceBook

July Birthdays

Remembrance Day Service

Rev. Barbara Brennan

Remembrance Day Dharma Service for Sunday, June 25, 2023 with a Dharma Talk by Rev. Barbara Brennan, at Windward Buddhist Temple. As part of her continuing explanation of the elements of a Jodo Shinshu altar, Rev. Brennan shares the 7 Patriarchs of Jodo Shinshu, who are depicted on a scroll in the altar. From India: Nagarjuna, Vasabandhu; China: T’an Luan (Donran), Tao ch’o (Doshaku) and Shan Tao (Zendo); and Japan: Genshin and Honen

Remembrance Day is a time to honor family, friends, and even pets who passed away during the month of June, regardless of the year. This Jodo Shinshu Buddhist church service was recorded at Windward Buddhist Temple, a Shin Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:23 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    03:18 - Meditation

    04:16 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:28 - San Bu Jo (page 9 in the red service book)

    11:13 - Remembrance Day for June

    17:08 - Junirai (page 59 in the red service book)

    26:50 - Recitation: The Creed (Ryogemon)

    28:48 - Gatha: Namu Amida Butsu (page 104 in Praises of the Buddha)

    31:55 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Barbara Brennan

    47:20 - Gatha: Quest of Life (page 126 in Praises of the Buddha)

    49:18 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    51:47 - Announcements

    58:06 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    58:53 - July Schedule

    59:07 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"): https://tinyurl.com/GetServiceBook

Father's Day & Juneteenth Dharma Service

Bob Nishita

Father's Day and Juneteenth Dharma Service for Sunday, June 11, 2023 with a Dharma Talk by Lay Speaker Bob Nishita, at Windward Buddhist Temple. The service was officiated by Rev. Brennan at Windward Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii. Rev. Brennan starts off the service with a brief discussion about the observance of Juneteenth and its importance.

After the service, Rev. Bert Sumikawa shared the history of the Buddhist flag that he received on his trip to India a few years ago. This was followed by the raising of the Buddhist flag on our new flagpole.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:20 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    02:55 - Juneteenth: Rev. Barbara Brennan

    07:51 - Meditation

    08:37 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    10:46 - Verses Reaffirming the Vows (page 117 in the red service book)

    17:29 - Recitation: Our Pledge

    18:51 - Gatha: Gentle Hands

    20:39 - Dharma Talk: Bob Nishita

    33:29 - Gatha: Shinshu Anthem (page 147 in Praises of the Buddha)

    36:31 - The Nembutsu (page 107 in Praises of the Buddha)

    38:41 - Announcements

    42:08 - Buddhist Flag: Rev. Bert Sumikawa

    47:34 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    48:17 - Raising of the Buddhist Flag

    48:47 - June Schedule

    49:01 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"): https://tinyurl.com/GetServiceBook

FLying the Buddhist Flag

Myles Yamamoto, Neil Yamamoto, Rev. Bert Sumikawa, & Rev. Barbara Brennan

Family Dharma Service

Rev. Barbara Brennan

Dharma Service for Sunday, June 11, 2023 with a Dharma Talk by Rev. Barbara Brennan, at Windward Buddhist Temple. The service was officiated by Rev. Brennan at Windward Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii. Rev. Brennan also shares a reissued and updated version of Ryogemon written by Monshu Kojun Ohtani.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:21 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    03:17 - Meditation

    04:07 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:17 - Juseige (page 54 in the red service book)

    13:19 - Recitation: The Creed (Ryogemon)

    20:13 - Gatha: May Peace Prevail

    23:33 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Barbara Brennan

    33:28 - Gatha: Oh, Light of Asia (page 117 in Praises of the Buddha)

    35:24 - The Nembutsu (page 107 in Praises of the Buddha)

    37:34 - Announcements

    49:05 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    50:12 - June Schedule

    50:24 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"): https://tinyurl.com/GetServiceBook

Playing Bingo

Intergenerational Dharma Service

Dennis Tashiro & Rev. Barbara Brennan

Intergenerational Dharma Service for Sunday, June 4, 2023 with a Dharma Talk by lay speaker and WBT President, Dennis Tashiro, at Windward Buddhist Temple. The service was officiated by Rev. Barbara Brennan at Windward Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii. 

The first Sunday of the month features an intergenerational Dharma Talk for kids and adults. Dennis shares a lesson of self-reflection and reads from the book "The Bad Seed" by Jory John and illustrated by Pete Oswald.

Buy "The Bad Seed" on Amazon.com

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:20 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    03:04 - Meditation

    03:55 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:07 - Praises of the Buddha (page 112 in the red service book)

    17:41 - Recitation: Golden Chain of Love (page 126 in the red service book)

    18:42 - Gatha: Happy Little Children (page 57 in Praises of the Buddha)

    21:36 - Dharma Talk: Dennis Tashiro

    42:19 - Gatha: At Our Altar (page 16 in Praises of the Buddha)

    44:04 - The Nembutsu (page 107 in Praises of the Buddha)

    46:57 - Announcements

    53:55 - June Birthdays

    57:20 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    58:04 - June Schedule

    58:17 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"): https://tinyurl.com/GetServiceBook

Intergenerational Activity: Paper Tricks

Remembrance Day Service

Neil Yamamoto

Remembrance Day Dharma Service for Sunday, May 28, 2023 with a Memorial Day Dharma Talk by lay speaker Neil Yamamoto, at Windward Buddhist Temple. Neil's talk is titled "Gratitude: A Memorial Day Message."

Remembrance Day is a time to honor family, friends, and even pets who passed away during the month of May, regardless of the year. This Jodo Shinshu Buddhist church service was recorded at Windward Buddhist Temple, a Shin Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:18 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    03:00 - Meditation

    03:47 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:02 - San Bu Jo (page 9 in the red service book)

    10:24 - Remembrance Day

    16:14 - Sutra: Sanbutsuge (page 46 in the red service book)

    24:25 - Recitation: The Creed - II (page 4 in the red service book)

    25:55 - Gatha: Splendor of an Evening Sky (page 156 in Praises of the Buddha)

    28:23 - Dharma Talk: Neil Yamamoto

    39:14 - Gatha: Golden Chain

    40:57 - The Nembutsu (page 107 in Praises of the Buddha)

    43:41 - Announcements

    51:23- Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    52:14 - June Schedule

    52:27 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"): https://tinyurl.com/GetServiceBook

Family Dharma Service

Rev. Barbara Brennan

Dharma Service for Sunday, May 21, 2023 with a Dharma Talk by Rev. Barbara Brennan, at Windward Buddhist Temple. Rev. Brennan answers some of our frequently asked questions, such as "Is there a difference between 'Namo Amida Butsu' and 'Namu Amida Butsu'?" Rev. Brennan also explains what each part of the Naijin represents and shares basic Buddhist temple etiquette.

This Jodo Shinshu Buddhist church service was recorded at Windward Buddhist Temple, a Shin Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii. Windward Buddhist Temple holds a weekly in-person Dharma Service on Sundays.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:16 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    03:10 - Meditation

    04:00 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:43 - Sutra: Gassho With Amida

    13:34 - Recitation: Homages (page 2 in the red service book)

    15:10 - Gatha: Becoming Free (page 18 in Praises of the Buddha)

    18:10 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Barbara Brennan

    35:28 - Gatha: Arigatai

    38:13 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    40:36 - Announcements

    48:11 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    48:57 - May Schedule

    49:10 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"): https://tinyurl.com/GetServiceBook

Chinese Painting demonstration