Prudence Kusano

Family Dharma Service

Prudence Kusano

Dharma Service for Sunday, December 15, 2024 with a Dharma Talk by WBT Board Member and organizer of many of intergenerational activities, Prudence Kusano. This Jodo Shinshu Buddhist service was officiated by Rev. Bert Sumikawa.

Prudence shares the book, "The Fall of Freddie the Leaf: A Story of Life for All Ages," a New York Times best seller by Leo Buscaglia. It is a well-known book about life and death. You can purchase the book from here:

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:13 - Ringing of the Kansho (temple bell)

    02:49 - Meditation

    03:35 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    05:50 - Sutra: Praises of the Buddha (page 112 in the red service book)

    16:02 - Recitation: Golden Chain of Love (page 126 in the red service book)

    17:05 - Gatha: Shinshu Anthem (page 147 in Praises of the Buddha)

    20:33 - Dharma Talk: Prudence Kusano

    34:39 - Gatha: Golden Chain

    36:36 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    38:41 - Announcements

    41:51 - December Dharma Service Schedule

    42:07 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"):

Family Dharma Service

Prudence Kusano & Rev. Barbara Brennan

Dharma Service for Sunday, July 21, 2024 with a Dharma Talk, "Generosity, Attachment, & So Much More" by WBT lay speaker and board member, Prudence Kusano. This Jodo Shinshu Buddhist church service was officiated by Rev. Barbara Brennan and Rev. Bert Sumikawa and recorded at Windward Buddhist Temple, a Shin Buddhism Temple in Kailua, Hawaii.

Mahalo (thank you) to all those who came out to our Bon Dance on Saturday, July 13. We didn't have service on July 14, as it was a temple clean-up day after the Bon Dance. A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped with setting up the yagura, stringing up the lights and chochin lanterns, donating ingredients and preparing all the food for the Food Concession, baking manju, prepapring bitter melon and takuan and more, setting up audio equipment, and taking everything down after Bon Dance.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:18 - Ringing of the Kansho (temple bell)

    02:50 - Meditation

    03:54 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:07 - Sutra: Gassho With Amida

    12:52 - Recitation: The Creed (page 4 in the red service book)

    14:27 - Gatha: Shinshu Anthem (page 147 in Praises of the Buddha)

    17:25 - Dharma Talk: Prudence Kusano

    35:29 - Gatha: Buddha Loves You (page 24 in Praises of the Buddha)

    36:59 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    39:14 - Announcements

    45:14 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    46:02 - July Dharma Service Schedule

    46:18 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"):

Intergenerational Dharma Service

Prudence Kusano

Intergenerational Dharma Service for Sunday, March 3, 2024 with a Dharma Talk by Prudence Kusano at Windward Buddhist Temple. The service was officiated by Dennis Tashiro, a Certified Minister's Lay Assistant. For today's intergenerational service, Prudence reads a story about compassion when someone experiences a loss, "The Rabbit Listened," by Cori Doerrfield. (Buy at

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:18 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    02:51 - Meditation

    03:42 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    05:52 - Sutra: Sanbutsuge (page 46 in the red service book)

    13:49 - Recitation: Shinshu Pledge II (page 6 in the red service book)

    14:52 - Gatha: Namu Amida Butsu (page 104 in Praises of the Buddha)

    18:05 - Dharma Talk: Prudence Kusano

    28:09 - Gatha: On This Morn (page 119 in Praises of the Buddha)

    30:16 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    32:13 - Announcements

    39:37 - March Birthdays

    41:13 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    42:01 - March Dharma Service Schedule

    42:16 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"):

Intergenerational Craft activitY & Birthdays

Family Dharma Service

Prudence Kusano

Dharma Service for Sunday, September 24, 2023 with a Dharma Talk by Lay speaker Prudence Kusano at Windward Buddhist Temple. The service was also officiated by Prudence, a Certified Minister's Lay Assistant, at Windward Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii. 

As part of her Dharma Talk, Prudence shared a video from the 2023 Nembutsu Seminar by the Honpa Hongwanji Honolulu & Oahu Districts Buddhist Education Committee. "A Profound Silence" is a short film produced by Gardena Buddhist Church Ichi-Mi that features Jodo Shinshu Buddhist voices from the LGBTQ+ community, family and allies. 

Please watch "A Profound Silence" here:

You can also watch the recording of the 2023 Nembutsu Seminar here:

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:22 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    02:49 - Meditation

    03:52 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    05:57 - Sutra: Verses Reaffirming the Vows (page 117 in the red service book)

    13:18 - Recitation: Our Pledge

    14:50 - Gatha: Arigatai

    17:46 - Dharma Talk: Prudence Kusano

    28:39 - Gatha: Shinshu Anthem (page 147 in Praises of the Buddha)

    31:07 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    33:35 - Announcements

    35:48 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    37:15 - October Schedule

    37:31 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"):

Intergenerational Dharma Service

Prudence Kusano with Keiji Kukino, who led today’s service as a Certified Minister’s Lay Assistant

Dharma Service for Sunday, March 5, 2023 with Prudence Kusano at Windward Buddhist Temple. The first Sunday of the month is our Intergenerational Family Service and Prudence shares the children's book "Norman Didn’t Do It! (Yes, He Did.)” by Ryan T. Higgins and how it provides an example of the Three Poisons that we refer to as G.A.S.: Greed, Anger, and Stupidity (Ignorance).

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:19 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    02:17 - Meditation

    03:24 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    05:35 - Sutra: Gassho with Amida

    12:15 - Recitation: Golden Chain of Love (page 126 in the red service book)

    13:29 - Gatha: Children In Japan (page 29 in Praises of the Buddha)

    15:56 - Dharma Talk: Prudence Kusano

    28:26 - Gatha: Buddha Loves Me (page 24 in Praises of the Buddha)

    29:45 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in Praises of the Buddha)

    31:34 - Announcements

    42:10 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    42:58 - March Schedule

    43:10 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"):

Intergenerational Activity

A Message from President Prudence Kusano

December 31, 2022 will be my last day as the President of Windward Buddhist Temple. It has been a challenging and rewarding five years.

I began my first term in 2018 as we welcomed many people to join us at the temple’s 50th anniversary service and luncheon. We had a new name: Windward Buddhist Temple. This gave the Sangha a boost of energy as we embarked on new activities at the temple and more people began to attend Sunday services. It was not unusual to have 50 people on Sundays enjoying the Dharma together.

Then came March 15, 2020, with the country and city closing any large gathering in its effort to contain the spread of COVID. As Buddhists, we braved the pandemic knowing that nothing is permanent—even the pandemic. If we keep a positive attitude and challenge ourselves to find ways to continue sharing the Dharma, time will pass and so will COVID.

We adopted the government guidelines to keep ourselves safe. Many of us learned new things such as using Zoom on the computer for WBT Board meetings and to participate in virtual Buddhist education sessions. We began to video tape weekly services and share them through YouTube. This allowed us to reach many members, former members, friends, and relatives who do not live in Hawaii as they accessed services from the safety of their homes. We reached people who are now active members of the temple, all because we continued our work to spread the Dharma, in any way we could.

Although my term as President would have ended in December 2020, I agreed to do another term to see WBT through the pandemic with hopes that by the end of 2022 the pandemic would end and WBT could return to “normal”. Although COVID is still evolving and challenging the drug companies to develop new drugs, our Sangha has been back to live services for almost a year which is as close to “normal” for now. (There are 40+ participants at Sunday services!)

I am grateful to my predecessors who kept this temple relevant for its members; to those who educated and supported me in learning about and growing into the role as President; to the dedicated Board and Committee members; and to the many volunteers who work together to make WBT a thriving, warm, welcoming place. To all the people who let me walk along with you on this Nembutsu path, thank you for making the past 5 years memorable ones.

— Prudence Kusano

Family Dharma Service

Prudence Kusano & Keiji Kukino

Dharma Service for Sunday, July 17, 2022 with a Dharma Talk by Prudence Kusano, Kyodan President, at Windward Buddhist Temple. This Jodo Shinshu Buddhist church service was recorded at Windward Buddhist Temple, a Shin Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii.

Book featured in Prudence's Dharma Talk: No Ordinary Pizza by Sara Marlowe

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:28 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    02:37 - Meditation

    03:55 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:11 - Sutra: Verses Reaffirming the Vows (page 117 in the red service book)

    13:05 - Recitation: Shinshu Pledge II (page 6 in the red service book)

    14:00 - Gatha: At Our Altar (page 16 in Praises of the Buddha)

    16:03 - Dharma Talk: Prudence Kusano

    29:19 - Gatha: Buddhist Children (page 26 in Praises of the Buddha)

    31:32 - The Nembutsu (page 107 in Praises of the Buddha)

    32:44 - Closing Aspiration

    33:46 - Announcements

    37:13 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    38:02 - July Schedule

    38:21 - Support WBT with AmazonSmile

    38:31 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"):

Country Market Fundraiser

An Update on Reopening (January 2022)

Dear Members and Friends,

Warmest wishes for a Happy New Year!

I am grateful that we have endured the many months of COVID restrictions with a positive attitude and knowledge that everything changes, even COVID will one day be controlled. Having the temple closed since March 2020 has been a challenge. The Board of Directors has continued to do its best to be in communication with members and friends and to share the Dharma through YouTube.

The effort to look for new ways to keep the Sangha together and to spread the Dharma, resulted in several positive outcomes. For example, despite the inconvenience and missing the Sangha fellowship, Windward Buddhist Temple’s online Sunday services have reached our friends and members as well as people outside of the Windward District and even people living on the mainland. Many of us learned to use Zoom and attended conferences and Dharma classes which we would not have been able to do prior to the pandemic. The Board learned how to conduct monthly Board meetings via Zoom.

In August we had a Bon Dance dinner sale that brought together members to safely prepare the dinner and to connect with people who came by to pick up their orders. The Fundraising Committee replaced the live fundraising events with an Online Store.

The temple has been able to weather this pandemic due to the support of the Board and the members who have generously contributed to the temple. I look forward to serve as President again this year with the goal of reopening the temple for regular services and fellowship.

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Peaceful New Year.

With Gratitude, Prudence Kusano

An Update on Reopening (November 2021)

Dear Members and Friends,

Good news: the temple will be open for some live, in person services!!

Since some of the COVID restrictions are being lifted, the Board has decided to slowly open the temple for live services. We will begin by having one in-person temple service a month and as more restrictions are lifted, more will be added.

The Eitaikyo Service on November 14 and the Bodhi Day service on December 12 will be held at the temple. The other Sunday services in November and December will be pre-recorded and available for viewing on Sundays via YouTube, WBT website and FaceBook.

We will continue to follow government guidance for in-person services by limiting the number of people in attendance to 50% of capacity and those 12 years and older who can verify their COVID vaccination status. Everyone will need to be masked and physically distanced if not from the same household. We will be allowed to chant and sing with our masks on.

Everyone attending the service is required to:

  1. Present proof of their COVID vaccination status and a photo ID, and

  2. Sign in on the COVID tracking sheet as they enter the temple

Nametags will not be used, so it will be interesting to see how many of us can recognize each other after almost 20 months since our last live service in March 2020. We look forward to meeting new people who may have been waiting for services at the temple.

There will be no fellowship after these services. Many of us look forward to meeting new people and to chat with old friends over refreshments; however, we need to be patient for the time when this will be possible again. In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you at the Eitaikyo and Bodhi Day services.

In gassho,

Prudence Kusano

Online Dharma Service

Prudence Kusano, President, Windward Buddhist Temple

Prudence Kusano, President, Windward Buddhist Temple

Online Dharma Service for Sunday, October 3, 2021 with a Dharma Talk by Lay Speaker Prudence Kusano, President of Windward Buddhist Temple. Prudence shares her understanding of the Jodo Shinshu teachings an "aha" moment that she recently had. The service is officiated by Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa.

  • 00:00 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

  • 01:59 - Opening Remarks & Program

  • 02:16 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

  • 04:03 - Recitation: Sentences from the Dhammapada #1

  • 06:33 - Sutra: Praises of the Buddha (page 112 in the red service book)

  • 15:58 - Dharma Talk: Prudence Kusano

  • 30:20 - Gatha: Each Day Anew

  • 34:10 - Nembutsu (page 107 in Praises of the Buddha)

  • 35:08 - Closing Aspiration

  • 35:34 - October Schedule

  • 35:45 - Announcements

  • 36:02 - How to Donate to WBT Online