Eshinni Day

Gotan-e (Shinran's Birthday) Service

Rev. Barbara Brennan, Rev. Blayne Higa, & Rev. Bert Sumikawa

Gotan-e (Shinran's Birthday) Dharma Service for Sunday, May 5, 2024 with a Dharma Talk by guest speaker Rev. Blayne Higa of Kona Hongwanji Buddhist Temple. The service was officiated by Rev. Bert Sumikawa. The Gotan-e Service celebrates the birth of Shinran Shonin, the founder of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, who was born on May 21, 1173.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:31 - Ringing of the Kansho (temple bell)

    02:50 - Offering of Flowers & Light

    03:35 - Meditation

    04:20 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:35 - San Bu Jo (page 9 in the red service book)

    09:57 - Gotan-e Aspiration

    11:09 - Sutra: Shoshinge (page 11 in the red service book)

    17:52 - Gatha: On This Morn (page 119 in Praises of the Buddha)

    19:58 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Blayne Higa

    47:13 - Gatha: Listen To His Voice (page 92 in Praises of the Buddha)

    49:25 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    51:48 - Announcements

    56:14 - Birthdays

    01:00:15 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    01:01:11 - May Dharma Service Schedule

    01:01:25 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"):

Intergenerational Activity

Celebrating May Birthdays

Children’s Day Koi

Eshinni & Kakushinni Day Service

Wendie Yumori & Rev. Barbara Brennan

Eshinni & Kakushinni Day Dharma Service for Sunday, April 21, 2024 with a Dharma Talk by guest speaker Wendie Yumori from Hawaii Betsuin. The service was officiated by Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa and Rev. Barbara Brennan. Eshinni & Kakushinni Day honors Eshinni, the wife of Shinran Shonin and her dedication to Shinran, and Kakushinni, the daughter of Shinran and Eshinni.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:20 - Ringing of the Kansho (temple bell)

    02:42 - Meditation

    03:40 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    05:49 - Eshinni & Kakushinni Day Aspiration

    07:11 - Sutra: Verses Reaffirming the Vows (page 117 in the red service book)

    13:46 - Gatha: Golden Chain

    16:20 - Dharma Talk: Wendie Yumori

    37:48 - Gatha: Becoming Free (page 18 in Praises of the Buddha)

    40:13 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    42:26 - Announcements

    46:34 - Dharma School Update

    50:28 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    51:23 - April Dharma Service Schedule

    51:39 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"):

Dharma School

Eshinni & Kakushinni Day Service

Rev. Rev. Barbara Brennan & Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa

Eshinni & Kakushinni Day Service for Sunday, April 16, 2023 with a Dharma Talk written by Lois Toyama. Due to unforeseen circumstances, she was unable to join us today. Rev. Brennan delivered her message on her behalf.

Each year, a special service is held in honor of Eshinni, the wife of Jodo Shinshu founder, Shinran Shonin, and their youngest daughter, Kakushinni. 

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:20 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    02:56 - Meditation

    03:47 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:05 - Eshinni & Kakushinni Day Aspiration

    07:49 - Sutra: Praises of the Buddha (page 112 in the red service book)

    18:21 - Gatha: Arigatai

    21:37 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Barbara Brennan (for Lois Toyama)

    43:28 - Gatha: Quest of Life (page 126 in Praises of the Buddha)

    45:39 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in Praises of the Buddha)

    47:57 - Announcements

    55:11 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    55:57 - April Schedule

    56:09 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"):

Eshinni & Kakushinni Day Service

Rev. Kumika Soga & Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa

Eshinni & Kakushinni Day Service for Sunday, April 17, 2022 with a Dharma Talk by Rev. Kumika Soga at Windward Buddhist Temple, a Shin Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii.

Each year, a special service is held in honor of Eshinni, the wife of Jodo Shinshu founder, Shinran Shonin, and their youngest daughter, Kakushinni. We honor Eshinni and her dedication to Shinran. We rejoice in the memory of Shinran’s daughter Kakushinni because had it not been for her, his teaching might not be available for us.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

  • 00:21 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

  • 02:33 - Meditation

  • 04:03 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

  • 06:16 - Eshinni & Kakushinni Day Aspiration

  • 07:46 - Sutra: Sanbutsuge (page 47 in the red service book)

  • 15:30 - Gatha: On This Morn (page 119 in Praises of the Buddha)

  • 20:58 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Kumika Soga

  • 50:16 - Gatha: With These Hands (page 174 in Praises of the Buddha)

  • 52:02 - Nembutsu (page 107 in Praises of the Buddha)

  • 53:14 - Closing Aspiration

  • 54:01 - Announcements

Online Eshinni/Kakushinni Day Service

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Online Eshinni/Kakushinni Day Dharma Service for Sunday, April 18, 2021 with guest speaker Charlene Kihara and officiated by Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa at Windward Buddhist Temple. We honor Eshinni, the wife of Shinran Shonin, and her dedication to Shinran. We rejoice in the memory of Shinran’s daughter Kakushinni because had it not been for her, his teaching might not be available for us.

  • 00:00​ - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

  • 02:00​- Opening Remarks & Program

  • 02:25​ - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

  • 04:21​ - Sutra: Praises of the Buddha (page 112 in the red service book)

  • 14:39​ - Recitation: Our Pledge

  • 15:37​ - Dharma Talk: Charlene Kihara

  • 27:55​ - Gatha: White Lotus Flowers (from "The Golden Chain")

  • 29:59​ - Nembutsu (page 107 in Praises of the Buddha)

  • 30:55​ - Closing Remarks

  • 31:39​ - April Schedule

  • 32:09​ - How to Donate to WBT Online

Eshinni & Kakushinni

Women who remain in lay life should realize and never entertain the slightest doubt that those who, without calculation, deeply rely on Amida Buddha single-mindedly and unwaveringly, entrusting themselves to the Buddha for their emancipation in the afterlife, will all be saved.

This is the intent of the Primal Vow of Other Power, the vow of Amida Tathagata.

Beyond this, whenever they feel joy and gratitude for their emancipation in the afterlife, they should simply say, “Namo Amida Butsu.”
— Rennyo Shonin, Fascicle 5-3

Rev. Bert Sumikawa

Windward Buddhist Temple

This is one of several letters written by Rennyo addressed to women.  He considered women to be important followers of the Nembutsu teachings and emphasized that this teaching was for everyone, priest or lay, man or woman, without discrimination. 

It is with deep gratitude to Eshinni’s letters that were found about a hundred years ago, that the Nembutsu teachings guided the life of a real, living person, that of Shinran Shonin.  We learn from those letters how deeply Eshinni cared for her husband and children while living apart from him as he was pursuing his life-long studies.  Thought her harsh life, she rejoiced in the Nembutsu path through difficult conditions.

We rejoice in the memory of Shinran’s daughter Kakushinni because had it not been for her, his teaching might not be available for us.  She kept the memory of her father alive by using land that was made available through her second husband to create a memorial.  Her lineage continues to this day through her son, and succeeding 25 generations, with the present head of the Hongwanji, the Monshu Kojun Ohtani. 

In the book Dharma Treasures, a book compiled by the Rev. Tatsuo Muneto, gives deep spiritual insights from some of Hawaii’s Women Shin Buddhist Pioneers.  Eshinni and Kakushinni, both deep followers of the Nembutsu, were deeply engrossed in the Dharma and the writings of Shinran, as were the poems and musings of the women portrayed in the book.  Through their writings we learn of the interconnectedness of all beings, that we are wonderful part of the “Golden Chain of Love.”  Their devotion to the Dharma is deeply appreciated and is transmitted to all of us.

Thanks to Eshinni, Kakushinni and to all women who lived the life of Onembutsu and entrusted themselves to Amida Buddha without doubt.  Thanks to them and all women, that we learn that this teaching applies to all without discrimination, without exception. 

Eshinni / Kakushinni Day Service with Guest Speaker Mernie Miyasato-Crawford

The guest speaker for our Eshinni / Kakushinni Day service was Mercie Miyasato-Crawford, a fourth-generation Jikoen Hongwanji member and vice-chair of Project Dana. Mernie shared her reflections on what it means to be, in this life, a Buddhist woman.

Eshinni Day Service with Guest Speaker Juliet Lee

Our guest speaker for our Eshinni Day service was Juliet Lee, a retired associate professor and an award-winning author. Eshinni Day honors Lady Eshinni, the wife of Shinran Shonin, and her contributions to the Hongwanji. You can watch Juliet's Dharma Talk on our YouTube channel or by clicking on the play button below.

Eshinni Day Service with Rev. Brennan

Our Guest Speaker for today's Eshinni Day Service was Rev. Barbara Brennan. On Eshinni Day, we honor Eshinni-sama, the wife of Jodo Shinshu founder Shinran Shonin. 

Guest Speaker Barbara Brennan

Barbara Brennan is originally from Mesa, Arizona.  She received her Bachelors degree from the University of Arizona in Asian Studies and a Masters in American Studies from the University of Hawaii. Shereceived certification as a dental hygienist from which she retired in 2010.

Barbara grew up in a Jodo Shinshu family and was active in the Arizona Buddhist Temple.  She moved to Hawaii almost 50 years ago and joined the Hawaii Betsuin. Barbara is married to Barry Brennan and has two children and two grandsons.

In July 2016 she attended the Tokudo training session in Kyoto, Japan which has given her the opportunity to serve the Temple in many new ways. She is on the Kyodan's Compassionate Care committee with a focus on serving the elderly through Project Dana. She recently implemented a Buddhist discussion group series at a senior residence in Honolulu. After Tokudo she has enjoyed sharing her history and experiences with others.