KHM President Prudence Kusano with Rev. Kevin Kuniyuki and Dayle Kuniyuki
Kailua Hongwanji Mission celebrated its 4th annual Founders’ Day during the Sunday Family Service on February 25, 2018. It is a day to remember our past lay leaders for all that they have done over the years – from the founding of our temple in 1968 – to make Kailua Hongwanji Mission what it is today.
In his Dharma Talk, Rev. Kevin Kuniyuki mentioned that we should remember the founders of Kailua Hongwanji Mission and express our gratitude for what our temple is for all of us today – a wonderful place to listen to the Dharma and to enjoy fellowship with the temple Sangha. Rev. Kuniyuki also shared some numbers related to the Dharma teachings and their significance: 3 Treasures, 4 Noble Truths, 8-fold Path and 3 Poisons.
The temple members thanked Rev. Kuniyuki for serving as the interim temple minister during January and February and expressed appreciation for his presence as a minister and a friend of Kailua Hongwanji Mission. The members also expressed their gratitude to Mrs. Dayle Kuniyuki for attending the services whenever Rev. Kuniyuki conducted the Sunday Services.