Rev. Quinn Hashimoto & Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa
Bodhi Day Service for Sunday, December 12, 2021 with a Dharma Talk by Rev. Quinn Hashimoto of Shingon Mission of Hawaii at Windward Buddhist Temple, a Shin Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii. This was an in-person service, only our second in 2021.
Bodhi Day commemorates the day that Shakyamuni Buddha experienced enlightenment under a Bodhi tree.
00:00 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)
02:20 - Opening Remarks & Program
03:18 - Meditation
04:50 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)
07:11 - Recitation: Loving Kindness Metta
08:51 - Bodhi Day Aspiration
09:57 - Sutra: Sanbutsuge (page 46 in the red service book)
18:12 - Gatha: The Bodhi Day (page 20 in Praises of the Buddha)
23:05 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Quinn Hashimoto
45:23 - Gatha: Flowers At Amida's Altar (page 47 in Praises of the Buddha)
47:11 - Nembutsu (page 107 in Praises of the Buddha)
48:25 - Closing Aspiration
48:52 - Announcements
52:37 - December Schedule
53:12 - How to Donate to WBT Online