online service

Online Remembrance Day Service

Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa

Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa

Online Dharma & Remembrance Day Service for Sunday, October 25, 2020 with Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa at Windward Buddhist Temple.

We have restarted our monthly Remembrance Day Service on the fourth Sunday of the month. Remembrance Day is a time to honor family, friends, and even pets who passed away during the month, regardless of the year.

00:00 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

01:59 - Opening Remarks & Program

03:10 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

05:05 - Remembrance Day - October

07:21 - Sutra: Praises of the Buddha (page 112 in the red service book)

15:40 - Recitation: Shinshu Pledge - II (page 6 in the red service book)

16:30 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa

33:54 - Gatha: Nembutsu (from "The Golden Chain")

38:39 - Closing Remarks

38:57 - Announcements

39:05 - Panda Express Fundraiser on 11/14/2020

39:14 - How to Donate to WBT Online

Online Dharma Service with Lay Speaker Dennis Tashiro

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Online Dharma Service for Sunday, October 18, 2020 with Lay Speaker Dennis Tashiro and Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa at Windward Buddhist Temple. "Gratitude" is the theme for today's Dharma Talk. The program for today's service:

00:00 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

02:18 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

04:09 - Sutra: Junirai (page 59 in the red service book)

12:10 - Recitation: Our Pledge

13:18 - Dharma Talk: Dennis Tashiro - "Gratitude"

25:56 - Gatha: Ondokusan II (Gratefulness II) (page 123 in the Praises of the Buddha book)

28:13 - Nembutsu (page 107 in the Praises of the Buddha book)

29:40 - Announcements

29:48 - Remembrance Day Reminder

29:57 - How to Donate to WBT Online

30:16 - Panda Express Fundraiser on 11/14/2020

Online Dharma Service with Lay Speaker Joy Nishida

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Online Dharma Service for Sunday, October 11, 2020 with Lay Speaker Joy Nishida and Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa at Windward Buddhist Temple. Joy reflects on the year 2020 (so far) and what she's been doing over the last several months.

The program for today's service:

00:00 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

02:15 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

04:08 - Sutra: Gassho to Amida (page 123 in the red service book)

10:41 - Recitation: Golden Chain of Love (page 126 in the red service book)

11:39 - Dharma Talk: Joy Nishida - "Choose Happiness"

20:51 - Gatha: "Flying Free"

25:15 - Nembutsu (page 107 in the Praises of the Buddha book)

26:56 - Announcements

27:12 - How to Donate to WBT Online

27:24 - Panda Express Fundraiser on 11/14/2020

Online Dharma Service

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Online Dharma Service for Sunday, October 4, 2020 with Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa at Windward Buddhist Temple. Rev. Sumikawa shares the Oscar Wilde story, "The Happy Prince." The program for today's service:

00:00 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

02:16 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

04:11 - Sutra: Shoshinge (page 11 in the red service book)

10:26 - Recitation: Shinshu Pledge - I (page 6 in the red service book)

11:16 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa - "The Happy Prince"

27:39 - Gatha: "To Live (Ikiru)"

31:09 - Nembutsu (page 107 in the Praises of the Buddha book)

32:38 - Announcements

Online Dharma Service with Lay Speaker Bob Nishita

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Online Dharma Service for Sunday, September 27, 2020 with Lay Speaker Bob Nishita and Rev. Bert Sumikawa at Windward Buddhist Temple. The program for today's service:

00:00 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

02:10 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

04:01 - Sutra: Gassho to Amida (page 123 in the red service book)

10:13 - Recitation: Golden Chain of Love

11:13 - Dharma Talk: Bob Nishita

22:29 - Gatha: "Ondokusan (II)" (page 123 in the Praises of the Buddha book)

24:04 - Nembutsu (page 107 in the Praises of the Buddha book)

25:55 - Announcements

Online Autumn Ohigan Service

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Online Autumn Ohigan Service for Sunday, September 20, 2020 with Rev. Bert Sumikawa at Windward Buddhist Temple. Twice a year, in fall and spring, Jodo Shinshu Buddhists celebrate the new season. It is a time when the length of day and length of night are equal and the world feels in balance and in harmony. The program for today's special service:

00:00 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

02:16 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

04:02 - Sutra: Sanbutsuge (page 47 in the red service book)

11:36 - Recitation: Homages (page 2 in the red service book)

12:54 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa

29:25 - Gatha: "May Peace Prevail"

32:09 - Nembutsu (page 107 in the Praises of the Buddha book)

33:42 - Announcements

Online Dharma Service with Lay Speaker Dr. Michael Jaffe

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Is there a biological reason why Buddhist teachings can be challenging to incorporate into our daily lives? Watch WBT member Dr. Michael Jaffe and "The Neuroanatomy of Buddhism" in this week's Online Dharma Service for Sunday, September 13, 2020.

Today's service includes:

00:00 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell) 0

2:16 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

04:08 - Sutra: Junirai (page 59 in the red service book)

12:11 - Recitation: Our Pledge

13:17 - Dharma Talk: Dr. Michael Jaffe, “The Neuroanatomy of Buddhism”

35:03 - Gatha: "In Bloom (Saki Niou)"

39:21 - Nembutsu (page 107 in the Praises of the Buddha book)

40:52 - Announcements

Online Dharma Service

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Online Dharma Service for Sunday, August 30, 2020 lead by Rev. Bert Sumikawa at Windward Buddhist Temple. We are pleased to announce that WBT will be posting recorded services to YouTube and our website beginning in August.

Today's service includes:

00:00 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

02:16 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

04:10 - Sutra: Gassho to Amida (page 123 in the red service book)

10:39 - Recitation: The Golden Chain of Love (page 126 in the red service book)

11:37 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa

28:17 - Gatha: "The Wondrous Gift of Peace" (page 176 in the Praises of the Buddha book)

30:20 - Nembutsu (page 107 in the Praises of the Buddha book)

Online Dharma Service

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Online Dharma Service for Sunday, August 30, 2020 lead by Rev. Bert Sumikawa at Windward Buddhist Temple. We are pleased to announce that WBT will be posting recorded services to YouTube and our website beginning in August. Today's service includes:

0:00 Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

2:03 Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

4:25 Sutra: Juseige (page 54 in the red service book)

11:04 Recitation: The Creed - II (page 4 in the red service book)

12:15 Dharma Talk: Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa

28:21 Gatha: "Gratefulness II & Ondokusan II" (page 123 in the Praises of the Buddha book)

30:38 Nembutsu (page 107 in the Praises of the Buddha book)

Online Dharma Service with Lay Speaker Keiji Kukino

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Online Dharma Service for Sunday, August 23, 2020 lead by Rev. Bert Sumikawa and with Dharma Talk by Keiji Kukino at Windward Buddhist Temple. We are pleased to announce that WBT will be posting recorded services to YouTube and our website beginning in August. Today's service includes:

0:00 Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

2:22 Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

4:23 Sutra: Twelve Homages (page 120 in the red service book)

11:37 Recitation: Shinshu Pledge - II (page 6 in the red service book)

12:32 Dharma Talk: Keiji Kukino

27:49 Gatha: "To Live (Ikiru)" by the Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin Choir

31:09 Nembutsu (page 107 in the Praises of the Buddha book)