Autumn Ohigan

Autumn Ohigan Service

Rev. Eric Matsumoto & Rev. Sol Kalu

Autumn Ohigan Dharma Service for Sunday, September 15, 2024 with a Dharma Talk by guest speaker, Rev. Eric Matsumoto, resident minister of Aiea Hongwanji Mission and former Bishop of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii. This Jodo Shinshu Buddhist church service was officiated by Rev. Kalu and recorded at Windward Buddhist Temple, a Shin Buddhism Temple in Kailua, Hawaii.

Rev. Matsumoto shares the story, "The Gift of Nothing," by Patrick McDonnell.

Shin Buddhists traditionally celebrate Ohigan (“the other shore") twice a year at the spring and fall equinox, the time at which day and night are equal.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:17 - Ringing of the Kansho (temple bell)

    02:52 - Offering of Flowers & Light

    03:48 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:03 - San Bu Jo (page 9 in the red service book)

    10:29 - Sutra: Juseige (page 54 in the red service book)

    16:20 - Recitation: Golden Chain of Love (page 126 in the red service book)

    17:26 - Gatha: At Our Altar (page 16 in Praises of the Buddha)

    19:12 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Eric Matsumoto

    51:54 - Gatha: May Peace Prevail

    53:13 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    56:47 - Announcements

    01:04:56 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    01:05:50 - September Dharma Service Schedule

    01:06:06 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"):

Intergenerational Activity

Autumn Ohigan & Peace Day Dharma Service

Riho Umitani, Yoshiko Umitani, Bishop Toshiyuki Umitani, Rev. Barbara Brennan, & Rev. Bert Sumikawa

Autumn Ohigan & Peace Day Dharma Service for Sunday, September 17, 2023 with a Dharma Talk by Bishop Toshiyuki Umitani at Windward Buddhist Temple. The service was officiated by Rev. Bert Sumikawa at Windward Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii.

This summer, Reverend Toshiyuki Umitani became the 17th Bishop of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii. WBT (Kailua Hongwanji) was Bishop & Mrs. Umitani’s first assignment as a resident minister (in charge of our temple). We are excited to have Bishop Umitani as our guest speaker for the Autum (Fall) Ohigan & Peace Day service.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:15 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    03:57 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:17 - San Bu Jo (page 9 in the red service book)

    10:19 - Sutra: Sanbutsuge (page 47 in the red service book)

    18:25 - Recitation: Shinshu Pledge - II (page 6 in the red service book)

    19:17 - Gatha: Namu Amida Butsu (page 104 in Praises of the Buddha)

    21:55 - Dharma Talk: Bishop Toshiyuki Umitani

    41:07 - Gatha: May Peace Prevail

    44:15 - The Nembutsu (page 135 in the red service book)

    46:08 - Announcements

    54:50 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    55:48 - September Schedule

    56:02 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"):

Autumn Ohigan & Remembrance Day Service

Rev. Daido Baba & Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa

Autumn Ohigan & Remembrance Day Dharma Service for Sunday, September 25, 2022 with Rev. Daido Baba at Windward Buddhist Temple. Remembrance Day is a time to honor family, friends, and even pets who passed away during the month of August and September, regardless of the year.

This Jodo Shinshu Buddhist church service was recorded at Windward Buddhist Temple, a Shin Buddhist Temple in Kailua, Hawaii.

  • 00:00 - Opening Remarks & Program

    00:19 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

    02:16 - Offering of Flower & Light

    03:13 - Meditation

    04:16 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

    06:31 - Ohigan Aspiration & San Bu Jo

    11:56 - Remembrance Day

    14:52 - Sutra: Gassho with Amida

    21:33 - Recitation: Shinshu Pledge - II (page 6 in the red service book)

    22:49 - Gatha: On This Morn (page 119 in Praises of the Buddha)

    25:17 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Daido Baba

    51:39 - Gatha: Ondokusan II (page 123 in Praises of the Buddha)

    53:13 - The Nembutsu (page 107 in Praises of the Buddha)

    54:24 - Closing Aspiration

    55:12 - Announcements

    01:00:38 - Words of Thanksgiving (page 126 in the red service book)

    01:03:58 - October Schedule

    01:03:08 - Support WBT with AmazonSmile

    01:03:18 - How to Donate to WBT

  • We are now able to accept secure online donations using PayPal or a credit card. Please visit our Donation page for instructions or scan the QR code in the video.Item description

  • Download the Jodo Shinshu Service Book (the "red service book"):

Online Autumn Ohigan Service

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Online Autumn Ohigan Service for Sunday, September 20, 2020 with Rev. Bert Sumikawa at Windward Buddhist Temple. Twice a year, in fall and spring, Jodo Shinshu Buddhists celebrate the new season. It is a time when the length of day and length of night are equal and the world feels in balance and in harmony. The program for today's special service:

00:00 - Ringing of the kansho (temple bell)

02:16 - Vandana & Ti-Sarana (page 7 in the red service book)

04:02 - Sutra: Sanbutsuge (page 47 in the red service book)

11:36 - Recitation: Homages (page 2 in the red service book)

12:54 - Dharma Talk: Rev. Dr. Bert Sumikawa

29:25 - Gatha: "May Peace Prevail"

32:09 - Nembutsu (page 107 in the Praises of the Buddha book)

33:42 - Announcements

Fall Ohigan Service

For our Fall Ohigan Service, we welcomed guest speaker Rev. Mariko Nishiyama, resident minister of Pearl City Hongwanji. Fall Ohigan marks the change of seasons and Rev. Nishiyama delivered a special Dharma Message in observance of the occasion.

We also tried a couple of new gathas today, accompanied by Rev. Sumikawa and Shirley Yanagisawa on ukulele.

Fall Ohigan Service with Guest Speaker Rev. Yuika Hasebe

Our guest speaker for our Fall Ohigan service was Rev. Yuika Hasebe. Rev. Hasebe is currently an Associate Minister at Hawaii Betsuin, but was once a liaison minister at Kailua Hongwanji. Rev. Hasebe shared the importance of reciting the Nembutsu, namo amida butsu.

Watch Rev. Hasebe’s Fall Ohigan Dharma Talk below or view it on our YouTube channel.

Cynthia showed us a preview of our First Sunday activity for October.

Autumn Ohigan & Peace Day Service


Today's service was about Ohigan (Autumn Equinox) and Peace. Rev. Umitani said Ohigan is when we should set aside time during our busy schedule to listen to the Buddha's Teachings for guidance.

September 21 was a day people all over the world celebrated International Day of Peace (aka "Peace Day"). Rev. Umitani said we should understand the importance of peace and that peace comes from within.

At the end of the service, the Sangha individually rang the temple bell ("Kansho") to announce our want for world peace.

Peace Day & Autumn Ohigan Service

Rev. David Nakamoto delivering the Dharma Talk at the Peace Day Service on September 25, 2016

Rev. David Nakamoto delivering the Dharma Talk at the Peace Day Service on September 25, 2016

Today's Family Sunday Service recognized two important events: Peace Day in Hawaii, which was on Wednesday, September 21, and the Autumn Ohigan (Equinox), an observation of the seasonal change from Summer to Autumn.